Bibliographic Citation: Feiffer, Jules. Bark, George. HarperCollins, 1999. 32 pages. ISBN: 978-0062051851.
Format: Hardcover
Awards: Florida Children's Book Award (2003), Missouri Building Block Picture Book Award (2000), Charlotte Zolotow Award Nominee for Honor Book (2000), Vermont's Picture Book Awards: Red Clover (2001), Buckeye Children's Book Award for K-2 (2001) Grand Canyon Reader Award for Picture Book (2002), Flicker Tale Children's Book Award (2002), Keystone to Reading Book Award for Primary (2001)
Age Group: Ages 2-4 Years
Annotation: George’s mom tries to teach him to bark, but something strange happens so she decides to take him to the vet.
Reflection: My favorite book, that I believe will stand the test of time is,"Bark,George" by Jules Feiffer. This book has all the elements to stand the test of time to become a classic. The book starts off with George's mom and she tells George to bark and the first thing that comes out is a, "meow." She continues to tell George to bark and a series of animal sounds come out following the cat, a duck, a pig and then a cow. Children have a blast making animal sounds and have even more fun trying to teach George how to bark correctly. George's mom takes George to the Vet to see if George can get his bark back and the Vet pulls out a cat, a duck, a pig and finally a big cow. Of course by now, the children understand that this is a make-believe story because a cow couldn't really come out of George's stomach and many children are relieved at this point. After the cow is pulled from George, the Vet tells George to bark and he does. George's mother is so excited, that she kisses each of the animals and the Vet. On the way home, George and his mother pass a bunch of people and she is so excited and wants to show off George to everyone on the street, so she says, "Bark, George" and George says..."Hello." That's the end of the story, which in my opinion, is destined to become a classic.
Categorization Tags: Juvenile Fiction, Veterinarians, Dogs, Animals, Humorous stories.
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