Tuesday, May 15, 2012

63) I Dream of an Elephant by Ami Rubinger

Bibliographic Citation: Rubinger, Ami. I Dream of an Elephant. Abbeville Kids, 2010. 28 pages. ISBN: 978-0789210586.

Format: Hardcover

Author/Illustrator Sites: http://www.amirubinger.com

Age Group: Ages 0-4 Years

Annotation: The dreamer dream of many different colored elephants and wonders if they dream too.

Reflection: I Dream of an Elephant by Ami Rubinger is an outstanding, read aloud, picture book that focuses on the concept of colors.  It is the colors of this book that stand out at first sight, which is filled with playful elephants of every color, set on a background of lavender that make this book impossible to pass over.  When you open the book, you are taken away to a colorful land of rhyming text, where the entire, two page spread is the major clue for the repeating question, "I dream of an elephant whose color is..." For example, on the first page, you see a giant, Blue elephant that is jumping and the text reads, "Jumping and playing the whole morning through!" and then the next side of the text reads, "I dream of an elephant whose color is..." and the response is, of course, "Blue!"  Children quickly catch on to the color naming game and can't wait to yell out the color of the next elephant.  From an early literacy/early learning standpoint, the colors are not presented in "Rainbow Order" which is, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue and Purple.  However, the author chose to add secondary colors and Black, White and Gray.  For children at the 0-4 age range, I recommend sticking to the same color names that the Crayola company gives it crayons, which are Black, White and Gray and leave the shades and tints lessons for later grades.

Categorization Tags: Stories in Rhyme, Juvenile Fiction, Elephants, Color, Vocabulary

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