Tuesday, May 15, 2012

59) Chick by Ed Vere

Bibliographic Citation: Vere, Chick. Puffin, 2009. 16 pages. ISBN: 978-0141384863.

Format: Paperback

Author/Illustrator Sites: http://www.edvere.com   

Age Group: Ages 0-4 Years

Annotation: A newborn chick has its very first adventure.

Reflection: Chick is a pop-up book that shows a baby chick being hatched and some typical activities of chickens.  The book uses action sound words and rhyming, “crick crack crickitty crack” to describe the chick breaking out of the egg shell.  Once the chick breaks out of the shell, the text welcomes the baby with “hello chick!”  The chick then makes a “cheep” sound and the mama chicken comes running to embrace the newborn chick.  The next page shows the mother and chick eating together and describes the scene with “pick peck pickitty peck.”  Then the chick poops, “oops!” and children laugh as the poop is dropping from the chick’s bottom and keeps dropping as the reader spins the movable wheel.  The book ends with “chick sleeps,” a full day of activities for a baby chick.         

Categorization Tags: Mother and Child, Pop-up books, Toy and movable books

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